Friday, March 21, 2008

MERCER Columbia Valley Pinot Gris 2007

kennuncorked Tasting Notes

With the glass tilted, the wine is transparent with a pale gold color that moves to narrow water white rim.

Clean with a hint of honey, lychee and peach. Revisiting the wine there seems to be pronounced peach aromas.

Dry, light bodied low intensity of fruit characteristics that hints of grapefruit and a slight hint of honey and peach. There no tannins and medium minus mouthwatering acidity although the wine is not flabby. The alcohol level (13.0%) seems well integrated into the wine because there is no apparent sensation of alcohol burn.

Clean and short in length.

Approximate retail price: US$15.00.

Producers Notes:

Classic melon, peach and mineral aromas and flavors are the hallmark of Pinot Gris grown in the Columbia Valley. (

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